Work RVU Productivity Reporting

Learn how Performance Suite can help deliver a greater line of sight into provider productivity through detailed Work RVU (wRVU) information.
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Performance Suite enables administrators to effectively manage wRVUs and compensation rules to account for appropriate exclusions and ensure accuracy in reporting to better understand personal pay and performance drivers. Providers, administrators, and leaders can review wRVU performance relative to organizational benchmarks at an individual level or by group, specialty, location, and more, enabling them to easily identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Reviews comprehensive and disparate billing information in a central repository.
  • Analyzes the impact of multiple CMS scale values on physician and CPT code performance.
  • Facilitates wRVU sharing arrangements and automates modifier adjustments.
  • Integrates non-billable wRVU credit information for a holistic view into physician productivity performance.
  • Compares performance to market-leading benchmarks and budgets wRVUs to compare clinician productivity performance to budget by location or person.
  • Eliminates time spent on manual spreadsheet calculations.
  • Provides a stable and consistent source of truth for wRVUs as they relate to clinician compensation.
  • Offers a transparent view into wRVU productivity details around scorecards and bonus sharing.
  • Automates organizational rules for non-billable wRVUs.
  • Removes abnormally low productivity months (ex: leave of absence) for more accurate benchmarking.

I lived in a world of distrust. The physicians didn’t trust their wRVUs were accurate. Now they do.”

It is obvious Performance Suite was built from the ground up around physician compensation and people who do what I do.

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Value by Stakeholder

icon StakeholderAdministration


  • Automates the manual process of calculating wRVUs.
  • Reduces human error by eliminating spreadsheet calculations.
  • Creates a central source of truth for clinical and non-clinical wRVUs.
  • Provides insights into wRVU productivity affecting compensation.
icon StakeholderPhysiciansandAPPs

Physicians & APPs

  • Builds a detailed view of productivity, accounting for both exclusions and extra non-clinical activities and their impact on pay.
  • Generates trust in management through accurate calculations of wRVUs.
  • Provides view of wRVU productivity benchmarks per clinical role.
  • Offers insights into wRVUs affecting compensation.
icon StakeholderLeadership


  • Provides trustworthy and timely reporting to improve physician and APP engagement, resulting in increased retention and reduced turnover.
  • Offers visibility into productivity performance against key benchmark indicators for individuals, groups, and specialties.
  • Generates insights into clinical and nonclinical work ratios and types to help leaders make more informed decisions.

Explore More Performance Suite Use Cases

and Performance

Improves the efficiency, accuracy, and efficacy of your compensation and performance management programs.

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Physician Contract and Compensation Alignment

Helps organizations streamline physician contracts and ensure accurate compensation delivery.

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Measures performance on predefined quality, patient satisfaction, financial, and population health metrics.

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Physician and APP Scorecard Visualizations

Delivers timely, personalized pay and productivity scorecards.

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CPT Code Impact

Helps organizations better understand, prepare for, and develop a response plan to address the impact of upcoming PFS changes.

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